New Patients


You will be confirmed for your appointment when you submit the appropriate form below, either New Patient or Pediatric.


New Patient Health History Form

This is an online form best completed on desk/laptop.

New Patient Health History Form

Pediatric Questionnaires

All forms open in a new window.

Pediatric New Patient Information

Pregnancy History

Birth History


Dr Egan will talk with you to determine if chiropractic care may be of benefit to you. After your consultation you will have a complete chiropractic examination. This will include testing your reflexes, your ability to turn and bend as well as other standard orthopedic, neurologic, postural, and physical examinations. The doctor will gain valuable information regarding your condition so that a better understanding of how chiropractic can help you. The appropriate referral will be made to an outside facility if necessary. Nothing will be done in our office without your consent.

Report of Findings

Once all the information and examinations have been performed, Dr. Egan will give you a report of findings and tell you recommendations for care.


Most patients begin to see results from the very first adjustment. Dr Egan’s gentle yet effective alignment of the body is interactive with the patient, gentle enough for kids (they love her), yet able to restore function and movement for the athlete and senior.